Digital Solutions
We're good at building custom and tailored products, from Alpha to Omega. Make A Block is composed by a series of specialists, from a Product Manager, Front/Back-end Developers, Electrical Enginners and designers.
A Company Registered in:United States, Brazil and Portugal
Carrer Status
Have you got an idea but you don't know what's next?
The main reason we're here is to help you take it out of the paper. By using Product Management methodologies our team is capable of creating the whole requirements to develop your idea.
The best way to optmize your operating costs
The market for workflow automation and related technologies is growing at the rate of 20% per year and is poised to reach 5 billion USD by the year 2024.
Digital process automation (DPA) was valued at 7.8 billion USD in 2019 and is poised to reach 16 billion USD by 2025 to Morder Research.
Organizations that have implemented automation have reported a cost reduction of 24%, which is up from 19% in 2019.

Optmized Task
Initial Task

Environment Monitoring Solutions
Harness the power of microcontrollers and communication protocols with Make A Block's Environment Monitoring Applications. Seamlessly integrate any environment into a digital dashboard, accessible and hosted on the Cloud, for real-time monitoring and control.
Legacy Devices Integration
Revolutionize your old devices with our Legacy Devices Integration service. By analyzing existing circuits, Make A Block enables automation and data logging for each device, ensuring seamless integration with the latest processing technologies for enhanced efficiency.
Mobile Application Development
Experience superior UI & UX at your fingertips with Make A Block's Mobile Applications. Our solutions are not just versatile but also fully integrable on mobile platforms, offering you control and connectivity wherever you go.
Geolocation Solutions
Explore the world of precise location tracking with our Geolocation Solutions. Make A Block integrates GPS technology from mobile devices or microcontrollers, linking data with specific locations and timestamps for comprehensive spatial analysis and reporting.
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